Anatomy of the top NFT marketplaces

Anatomy of the top NFT marketplaces

What use cases would propel blockchain adoption into the mainstream? NFT marketplace has been making headlines worldwide, even more so than Bitcoin’s price. With the popularity of NFT, the number of NFT marketplaces has increased. If you want to get in on the NFT craze, an NFT marketplace is your ticket to buying and selling […]

The critical role of p2p in blockchain

The critical role of p2p in blockchain

This topic is a one-stop solution as it provides a comprehensive guide to the role of P2P in blockchain – one of the most popular mechanisms now.  What is P2P in blockchain  A peer-to-peer network, commonly known as P2P, is a decentralized network communication model consisting of a group of devices (nodes) that collectively store […]

How to start a blockchain company without programming experience

How to start a blockchain company without programming experience

The blockchain industry is witnessing unprecedented development and over-expected successes. More and more people begin to build their businesses in this industry and earn money from this profitable pool. While blockchain is considered cutting-edge technology, getting started is not as difficult as you imagined, even though you are not a programmer. Therefore, our article today […]

Upgrade your blockchain project management with these tips

Upgrade your blockchain project management with these tips

How to achieve effective blockchain project management? When most people think of blockchain, they think of cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin, where the technology ensures secure, global transactions and is identity protected through a distributed or decentralized setting. But not many people know about blockchain risk. Let’s Upgrade your blockchain project management with these tips. Choose […]