The secret behind play to earn crypto games projects

The secret behind play to earn crypto games projects

Today’s cryptocurrency market provides many opportunities for people to earn tokens. Whether through regular investing, slot auctions, staking, or other means, earning cryptocurrency is often tedious. What if, though, you could earn cryptocurrency through video game playing? It is not a scam. You can earn digital assets by playing crypto games. But what exactly is […]

An introduction to sidechain for founders

An introduction to sidechain for founders

Sometimes the technical specifications of the chosen blockchain do not align with the needs of our project. For example, the waiting time for block confirmation may be too long, or it may be too expensive to process all data on-chain. This is where sidechains come in handy. In this article, SmartOSC is going to introduce […]

Indispensable steps of a blockchain security audit

Indispensable steps of a blockchain security audit

Although the blockchain system refers to protecting the integrity of data, that does not mean that the applications running on it are not hacked. What is more interesting is that protecting blockchain applications from an attack is quite a difficult and time-consuming process. That is why the concept of performing a blockchain security audit is […]

CRUD testing and why it’s important in blockchain

The four main functions performed in database applications are created, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD), it’s one of the most critical aspects of blockchain technology. Let’s talk about CRUD testing and why it’s important in the blockchain.  1. CRUD definition CRUD stands for creating, reading, updating, and deleting in computer programming. The four basic roles […]

Why creating cross chain app is your next challenge

Why creating cross chain app is your next challenge

As more and more businesses started to adopt blockchain in their operation, there are a considerable increase in the number of blockchain networks. Therefore, to work together and enhance close-knit collaboration, we need to find ways to connect blockchain networks or create a blockchain bridge. However, due to the differences between separate blockchain networks, businesses […]

Essential steps in building blockchain apps

Essential steps in building blockchain apps

If you haven’t been in a cave in the past few years, you know about blockchain. Let’s talk about Essential steps in building blockchain apps – take it down. Blockchain apps, or DApps definition DApps are defined as decentralized applications where a serverless blockchain acts as an intermediary between users exchanging messages, money, or data. […]

5 websites to find dapp developer for your project

5 websites to find dapp developer for your project

We’ve done the research for you to find the best DApp listing sites for your decentralized apps, so you can spend less time researching and more time implementing. implement marketing strategies for your web3 project. These 5 websites to find a dapp developer for your project will help you much! 1. DApp listing website definition […]