What is crypto audit and why you need it

What is crypto audit and why you need it

While blockchains were initially created to aid in the development of cryptocurrencies, they are now widely used in businesses for smart contracts, online transaction management, asset record management, and data security. They allow for the safe storage and organization of critical information to ensure the integrity and availability of the information by acting as digital […]

What are the barriers to blockchain adoption?

What are the barriers to blockchain adoption?

Blockchain adoption is an investor’s huge point of view. Let’s talk about What are the barriers to blockchain adoption? What are the barriers to blockchain adoption? Business owner’s unwillingness The support and commitment of top management are one of the key factors for the success of any strategic decision. While business owners are curious about […]

hyperledger fabric development

What does the process of hyperledger fabric solutions development look like?

Blockchain is on the way to blooming.  A lot of businesses are trying to transform their businesses using blockchain technology. Known as an innovative, responsive and effective blockchain platform, hyperledger fabric solutions can give the business a lot of advantages to strengthen the operation, especially in finance, banking, supply chain or manufacturing. Our article today […]

blockchain identity solutions

What organizations need to know when finding blockchain identity solutions

The higher demand for e-trust, better security systems, or trustworthy privacy protection has led today’s businesses to start to find blockchain identity solutions. However, finding blockchain identity solutions that meet customer requirements and business needs is challenging in this crowded market. Therefore, we are here to suggest some top priorities of consideration when you need […]