Elevated privilege is a type of cyber attack used to gain unauthorized access to systems within security, it’s the most concern of best security experts. In order to avoid risk, let’s talk about What you need to know about privilege escalation in blockchain.
1. The reason why it’s important to prevent privilege escalation attacks
It allows them to gain access to an environment, maintain and enhance their access, and perform more serious malicious activities. For example, privilege escalation can turn a simple malware infection into a serious data breach.

Privilege escalation allows an attacker to open up new attack vectors on the target system. For example, it may involve:
- Gain access to other connected systems
- Deploy additional malicious payloads on the target system
- Adjust privacy or privilege settings
- Gain access to applications or data on the system beyond the privileges of the original compromised account
- In extreme cases, gain root access to the target system or the entire network
When security teams suspect an escalation of privileges, it is important to conduct an in-depth investigation.
2. Privilege Escalation Attacks mechanism
Privilege escalation attacks often involve exploiting vulnerabilities such as software bugs, misconfigurations, and incorrect access controls.

Each account that interacts with the system has certain privileges. Regular users have limited access to system databases, sensitive files, or other resources. In some cases, users have undue access to sensitive resources and may not even be aware of it, because they are not trying to gain access beyond their own. In other cases, an attacker can manipulate the weak points of the system to increase privileges.
By taking over low-level user accounts and abusing privileges excessively or increasing privileges, a malicious attacker has an entry point into a sensitive system. Attackers can stay in a system for a while, doing reconnaissance and waiting for an opportunity to penetrate deeper into their access. Eventually, they will seek to elevate privileges to a higher level than the account that was initially compromised.
3. Privilege upgrade attack vector you need to know
3.1. Credential Exploitation
One-factor authentication opens the door for attackers planning to perform privilege escalation. If attackers get hold of the privileged user’s account name – even without the password – it’s a matter of time before they get the password. Once they get the password working, they can move through the environment undetected.

Even if the attacker is discovered and the organization resets the password or recreates the affected system, the attacker may have a way to maintain a constant presence – for example, through a mobile phone compromised or rootkit malware on the device. This makes it important to thoroughly destroy the threat and continuously monitor for anomalies.
3.2. Vulnerabilities and Exploits
Attackers can perform privilege escalation by exploiting vulnerabilities in the design, implementation, or configuration of many systems – including communication protocols, communications transport, operating systems, and more.
The level of risk depends on the nature of the vulnerability and the criticality of the system where the vulnerability was discovered. However, any vulnerability that could allow an attacker to change privileges should be treated with a high degree of severity.
Want to know more about privilege escalation – refer SmartOSC solution.
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