Startups frequently create a “pitch deck” to present to potential angel or venture capital investors. The pitch deck typically comprises 15-20 PowerPoint slides that showcase the company’s products, technology, and team to investors.

It isn’t easy and time-consuming to raise capital from investors. As a result, a startup must create an excellent investor pitch deck by telling an interesting and exciting story.

In this article, SmartOSC provides essential tips to craft a persuasive blockchain startup pitch deck.

1. Important do’s and don’ts for startup pitch decks

Tips to craft a persuasive blockchain startup pitch deck

When creating investor pitch decks, far too many entrepreneurs make avoidable mistakes. Here’s a list of preliminary dos and don’ts to remember.

What to do:

  • Do the following language on the pitch deck cover page: “Confidential and Proprietary.” [Name of Company] owns the copyright. Every Right Reserved.”
  • Do persuade the viewer of the importance of the market opportunity.
  • Do include graphics and images that are visually appealing.
  • Do send the pitch deck by PDF format to prospective investors ahead of time. Don’t make the investor download it from Google Docs, Dropbox, or another online service, as this will prevent the investor from reading it.
  • Do plan to have a product demo.
  • Do an interesting, memorable, and exciting story showing your enthusiasm for the company.
  • Do show that you have more than just an idea and gained early traction in developing the product, acquiring customers, or forming partnerships.
  • Do have a catchphrase for investors to remember you by.
  • Do the font size, color, and header title styles consistent throughout the slides?

Don’t do this:

  • Don’t make the pitch deck any longer than 15-20 slides long (investors have limited attention spans). If you believe more information is required, include it as an appendix.
  • Don’t have too many wordy slides.
  • Don’t give too many financial details; those can provide in a follow-up.
  • Don’t cover everything. Your in-person presentation will allow you to add and highlight important information.
  • Don’t use jargon or acronyms that the investor may not understand immediately.
  • Don’t undervalue or dismiss the competition.
  • Don’t have your pitch deck appear outdated. You don’t want a cover page with a date several months old. And you don’t wish to put stale or obsolete information or metrics about your company in the deck.
  • Don’t have a bad layout, bad graphics, or a bad “look and feel.” Consider hiring a graphic designer to give your pitch desk a more professional appearance.

2. Review other pitch deck examples

Viewing other sample pitch decks can be highly beneficial when creating your pitch deck for investors. Because a well-designed, comprehensive pitch deck is critical to persuade investors that your company has massive growth potential, allowing you to get the resources you require to scale.

3. What are the key slides you want on your investor pitch deck?

Tips to craft a persuasive blockchain startup pitch deck

You want your investor pitch deck to cover the following topics in roughly the order listed here, with titles similar to:

  • Company Overview
  • Mission/Vision of the Company
  • The Team
  • The Problem
  • The Solution
  • The Market Opportunity
  • The Product
  • The Customers
  • The Technology
  • The Competition
  • Traction
  • Business Model
  • The Marketing Plan
  • Financials
  • The Ask

Try not to deviate from this format, as investors are used to seeing this presentation.


A strong investor blockchain pitch deck can increase the likelihood of your startup receiving funding. However, you ensure the story is interesting and exciting. You must cover the topics that investors are expecting to see.

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