How hard can it be to launch a defi project?

How hard can it be to launch a defi project?

Suppose you’ve attempted to delve into this mysterious blockchain. In that case, you’d have an excuse to recoil in horror at the sheer obscurity of the technical jargon frequently used to figure it out. Blockchain technology is heating up, and with it comes a slew of decentralized structure-based solutions such as Smart Contract Development, Decentralized […]

Best IDO platforms to launch your project in 2022

Best IDO platforms to launch your project in 2022

IDO platforms are used to launch new coins and cryptocurrency projects and raise liquidity. They represent the next big thing in the digital world, specifically decentralized finance. Below are the best IDO platforms to launch your project in 2022. FireStarter FireStarter works on the Polygon network as the first IMO — Initial Metaverse Offering launchpad […]

blockchain marketing strategy

Blockchain marketing strategy for a successful project launch

Like other projects, blockchain projects also need an effective marketing strategy to successfully launch. However, there are some differences between the normal marketing strategy and the blockchain marketing strategy that the marketers need to pay special attention to. Therefore, today we’re going to recommend some blockchain marketing tips and you will have more ideas to […]