Indispensable steps of a blockchain security audit

Indispensable steps of a blockchain security audit

Although the blockchain system refers to protecting the integrity of data, that does not mean that the applications running on it are not hacked. What is more interesting is that protecting blockchain applications from an attack is quite a difficult and time-consuming process. That is why the concept of performing a blockchain security audit is […]

Gain these 5 benefits from smart contract audit services

Gain these 5 benefits from smart contract audit services

The smart contract audit approach assists developers in quickly finding vulnerabilities and defects before deploying smart contracts by looking at the code that supports the contracts’ terms and conditions. This article will discuss the critical vulnerabilities in a smart contract audit and answer various questions on the five benefits of smart contract audit services and […]

What is crypto audit and why you need it

What is crypto audit and why you need it

While blockchains were initially created to aid in the development of cryptocurrencies, they are now widely used in businesses for smart contracts, online transaction management, asset record management, and data security. They allow for the safe storage and organization of critical information to ensure the integrity and availability of the information by acting as digital […]