Top 4 blockchain advertising platforms to examine

Top 4 blockchain advertising platforms to examine

Blockchain applications have gained popularity, assuming blockchain will become an essential technology infrastructure. The advertising industry is no exception to the digital ledgers’ disruptive influence, which is expected to grow to $176 billion by 2025. Native advertising is a near-perfect match for digital ledger technology because of its ability to monetize web media of any […]

Best IDO platforms to launch your project in 2022

Best IDO platforms to launch your project in 2022

IDO platforms are used to launch new coins and cryptocurrency projects and raise liquidity. They represent the next big thing in the digital world, specifically decentralized finance. Below are the best IDO platforms to launch your project in 2022. FireStarter FireStarter works on the Polygon network as the first IMO — Initial Metaverse Offering launchpad […]

How blockchain technology evolved through generations

How blockchain technology evolved through generations

This blog post will discuss how blockchain technology has developed through generations. The first generation of Blockchain was focused on basic capabilities and the use of cryptocurrencies or Fintech. In contrast, the second generation added application logic in code-based smart contracts to broaden its applicability. The third generation focused on scalability, interoperability, and developing good […]

All about blockchain scalability issues and their solutions

All about blockchain scalability issues and their solutions

The adoption of Blockchain by more users is accompanied by increased scalability problems, which cause transaction latency. There are many blockchain scaling options to deal with these problems. This article will unfold all about blockchain scalability issues and their solutions. 1. What are the issues of blockchain scalability? The inability of public blockchains to scale […]

Steps to design a dApp architecture

Steps to design a dApp architecture

Blockchain apps, also known as dApps, are gaining popularity among businesses. However, there is still a maturity barrier to blockchain adoption. People’s level of trust in the Blockchain varies. The friction can be attributed to a lack of understanding of dApp architecture concepts and their ability to solve complex business problems. To be truly efficient, […]

The current state of the NFT ecosystem

The current state of the NFT ecosystem

NFTs are gaining popularity and are constantly expanding. However, whether NFTs will be the breakthrough technology that brings crypto and blockchain to the masses remains to be seen. Let’s look at the big picture of the current NFT ecosystem to gain a more profound comprehension as NFT Blockchain Technology enters a new era. 1. NFT […]