5 innovative blockchain implementation examples

5 innovative blockchain implementation examples

The use of blockchain technology is widespread today across many industries. Every industry, whether it be in retail, finance, government, or another field, is attempting to use blockchain technology to protect its transactions. Businesses from many sectors are striving to develop blockchain technology in order to create a private and secure wallet, dApp, token, etc. […]

Intriguing open source blockchain implementation examples to explore

Intriguing open-source blockchain implementation examples to explore

Blockchain has been the year’s buzzword for nearly a decade, and it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon. While bitcoin helped popularize the technology, mainstream adoption has been slow. Its blockchain nature, on the other hand, may drive its mainstream adoption. This article will examine open-source blockchain implementation examples to explore. 1. Hyperledger […]

Blockchain loyalty programs examples to try for your project

Blockchain loyalty programs examples to try for your project

Blockchains are changing the way businesses are conducted across a wide range of industries. They can also improve the customer experience and remove barriers preventing loyalty programs from reaching their full potential. Below are some blockchain loyalty programs examples to try for your project. FootballNet — blockchain loyalty programs examples for football club owners PixelPlex’s […]