Comparison of top 5 blockchain protocols

Comparison of top 5 blockchain protocols

There are a number of blockchain protocols in development, but which one is the best? This article will give a comparison of blockchain protocols to see which one has the most potential. Quorum, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Multichain and Corda are all analyzed in terms of features and use cases. The results may surprise you! What is […]

Layer 1 vs layer 2 blockchain meaning and comparison

Layer 1 vs layer 2 blockchain meaning and comparison

Scalability is critical to the long-term viability of today’s blockchain. If you’re familiar with the blockchain space, or even a beginner looking to get started, you’ve probably heard the terms “layer-1” and “layer-2.” SmartOSC will help you understand the Layer 1 vs Layer 2 blockchain meaning and comparison in this article. 1. Layer 1 vs […]