
How challenging can blockchain adoption be?

Nowadays, blockchain transformation become a new trend in many industries. As a new and cutting-edge kind of technology, blockchain adoption requires various skills and knowledge of the developers. Therefore, businesses, especially beginners, often find it challenging to get started with blockchain. Our article today will give you some possible obstacles and show you how to deal with them during your transformation journey.

Obstacles Of Blockchain Adoption You May Face

Finding Suitable Service Providers

If you don’t have an internal team who are expert in blockchain developers, it would be better to find trustworthy service providers. There are several criteria to find the best blockchain developers for your project and systems, including years of experience, previous projects, cost and support policy. Also, you need to link to your business requirements to find suitable service providers for your upcoming blockchain adoption.

Choosing Blockchain Platforms And Applications

If you want to utilize blockchain platforms for your adoption, you may need to have a detailed understanding of popular platforms today. There are some common blockchain platforms, such as Ethereum, EOS, Hyperledger Fabric, and so on. Each platform has its own strengths and weakness and is suitable for different blockchain fields. Finding the best-suited one for each business and industry helps the business runners, staff and customers get on well with blockchain technology.

Bridge The Gap Between Business Demand And Blockchain Adoption

We are looking forward to a powerful operation with the support of blockchain technology. However, before adopting this kind of technology to your business, you need to address your company’s requirements, expectations and resources to choose suitable solutions as well as methods of deployment. Careless adoption without basing on the business’s current status may cause money-wasting and time-consuming, also result in ineffective and redundant approaches. There are some fields that your business can adopt blockchain to have better performance, including shipment tracking, customer behaviour tracking, customer segmentation, product recommendation and so on. However, instead of adopting blockchain to all those fields at once, you should choose the most priority and then take turns to do the rest of them.

Lack Of Trust

A Blockchain network requires collaboration among different parties to join and interact. However, if people in charge do not trust each other, they may face difficulties in sharing data and making changes on the network. The network needs to be secured, private and reliable as it allows authorized users to control the system via a decentralized structure. The participants need to know that every adjustment always needs common agreements among parties, to alleviate their concerns about trustworthiness. In fact, there are some platforms that help to build and reinforce trust among users. What they can do is visualize the process and interaction among peers when they are working together. Those applications are truly useful for some popular business tasks such as tracking processes and group work.


Blockchain adoption is considered challenging, but it is not too difficult if you can do it carefully and slowly. We have mentioned some obstacles that may affect your final results, and hope that you will pay more attention to them and have a workable solution for each issue. However, if you are still having concerns, try to contact SmartOSC Blockchain to get the best advice and strategies to transform your business with blockchain. 

Contact us if you have any queries about Blockchain development services, dApps development, NFT marketplace development, Crypto wallet development, Smart contracts development.
Hannah Nguyen

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